
Tietämätön tolloPB Myrkyt28.11.2014 14.09
Lieneeköhän kaikkia säiliöitä vielä edes tyhjennetty? Rikkihappo ja peroksidi pönttöjä mitkä näkyy hiomon vieressä. Melekonen pommi jos hajoavat.

MKRe: PB Myrkyt29.11.2014 23.06
Nyt olisi aika nostaa Juankoskella kissa pöydälle.

Kangasperkon on turha vetäytyä ympäristöongelmista tietämättömäksi, koska on ollut hallituksen jäsenenä Stromsdal OyJ:ssä, biolämmössä ja myös Kaavin kanssa yhteisessä jätevesilaitoksessa.

Kristoffer von Münchausen oli myös ajamassa konkkaan jo Römssyä sen talousjohtajana. Sen jälkeen Kristoffer on ollut Samovaari-yhtiöiden luottohenkilö Juankoskella ja jos oikein muistan, niin JBOY:n toimitusjohtaja. Käytännössä ympäristöasioiden valvonta on siis ollut Juankosken Neron ja Kristofferin vastuulla pesän lunastuksesta 31.3.2011 lähtien.

Kristoffer ei siis mitenkään voi väittää, että joku ukrainalainen avustusrekka olisi unohtanut biolämmön tontille tai minnekään muallekaan toisten myrkkykontteja.

NS:n asiantuntijat, jotka tutkivat tehtaan ennen ostotarjouksensa tekemistä, eivät myöskään nähneet tällaisia myrkkykontteja.

Sen NS:n asiantuntijat selvittivät, että Römssy oli surutta ylittänyt ympäristöluvassa olleita päästöjärajoja, mutta ELY-keskus oli katsellut Römssyn ja sen jälkeen käynnistetyn Tratta PBF:n toimintaa vain aurinkolaseilla.

Tehdasta pitkään tarkkailleet mahdollisena ostokohteena NS:n asiantuntijat kirjoittivat jo keväällä 2007 Römssyn ympäristöasioista seuravasti::

- Helmikuussa 2007 BHK7 päästöt (n. 215 kg/d) ylittivät selvästi lupaehdon raja-arvon.
- Maaliskuussa 2007 Pkok päästöt (n. 10 kg/d) ylittivät selvästi lupaehdon raja-arvon.
- Muut päästöt ovat olleet lupaehtojen raja-arvoja pienemmät.
- Kuorimon meluhaitta on yli 80 desibeliä, joten kuorimoa ei voi käyttää öiseen aikaan.

Jotta Jii Huusko pääsee ympäristölautakunnassa maanantaina jo heti puhumaan oikeista asioista, niin panenpa alle NS:n asintuntijoiden keräämän alustavan ympäristötietopaketin ennen NS:n tekemää lunastustarjousta pesästä.

11. Environmental Permissions

The restarting of the Stromsdal cartonboard mill requires that the mill shall have Environmental Permission in effect and/or applied from Itä-Suomen aluehallintovirasto. Emission permissions have to be renewed also from Energiamarkkinavirasto.

1) Stromsdal Oyj Environmental Permission

Based is decision № 122/05/2
D№ ISY-2004-Y-107
Given 16.12.2005
Itä-Suomen ympäristölupavirasto

Itä-Suomen Ympäristölupavirasto gave until-further-notice Environmental Permission to Stromsdal Oyj. In the permission documentation the mill?s capacity is mentioned to be 65 000 t/a Cartonboard and that there is a plan to increase the mill?s capacity to 80 000 t/a. The mill is operating principally in continuous three shifts per day system (TAM 37).

The mill?s use of fresh water in the permission is some 9 200 m3/d or about 32 m3/t of finished products. This value is quite high and is planned to be significantly reduced (see Chapter №7).

The mill?s effluent water is treated by the adjacent effluent treatment plant, which in the aftermath of the mill?s bankruptcy in 2008 is today owned by the City of Juankoksi and Kaavi commune, which bought earlier shares of Stromsdal Oyj from its bankruptcy estate.

In the permission there is a statement, that the wet processes of board making do not represent modern BAT ? technology and water consumption per tonne of product is significantly higher than modern production technology would allow. However, emissions to waters meet the average values in similar mills.

In the above permission the authorities state that latest by December 31, 2012 the company has to present application of the checking of the present emissions to Pohjois-Savon Ympäristökeskus.

Specifically the Environmental Authorities state in the Permission as follows:

"The amount of effluent water and the effluent load to the effluent treatment plant has to be reduced. The target is that the effluent flow would be reduced by January 1, 2009 by 30% and fibre amount in effluent water by 40%. The plan of the improvement measures has to be presented to Pohjois-Savon Ympäristökeskus by June 30, 2007". Disk filter project has been discussed in this connection.

"There has to be also a plan to reduce effluent water and effluent load form barking plant". Dry barking has been discussed as one of the options to eliminate the emissions.

"The noise of the mill?s operations are not allowed to exceed 55 dB (A) during daytime (07:00-12:00 and 50 dB (A) during nights (22:00-07:00)". There have been claims that during nights the noise has exceeded 50 dB (A) average noise level at nearby populated areas. However, the mill has eliminated the noise with investments in barking and running the barking only during daytime.

2) Koillis-Savon Ympäristöhuolto Oy Environmental Permission

Based is decision № 36/2011/11
D№ ISAVI/164/04.08/2010
Given 14.3.2011
Aluehallintovirasto/Itä-Suomi Ympäristölupavastuualue

The environmental permission № 123/05/2 given by Itä-Suomen Ympäristölupavirasto gives the following directions for effluent emissions of the plant:

Emission Monthly average Annual Average
BOD 7TATU 160 kg/d 140 kg/d
CODCr 1 400 kg/d 1 100 kg/d
P 9 kg/d 8 kg/d
Suspended solids 600 kg/d 500 kg/d

Starting from January 1, 2009 the effluent water have to be treated in a way the emissions to the water do not exceed the below values.

Emission Monthly average Annual Average
BOD 7TATU 110 kg/d 100 kg/d
CODCr 1 200 kg/d 900 kg/d
P 7 kg/d 6 kg/d
Suspended solids 400 kg/d 350 kg/d

The plant owner has to present latest by June 30, 2007 a clarification, how the tightening emission directives can be achieved.

At present the plant is operating as a communal effluent treatment plant. Should the cartonboard mill be restarted Koillis-Savon Ympäristöhuolto Oy has to submit at least three (3) months in advance a copy an industrial effluent treatment agreement to Pohjois-Savon ELY ? keskus. In this agreement there has to be an estimate of the amount of the treated effluent water, the quality of water and what measures are required to start the treatment of industrial effluent waters.

The checking of the directives of the environmental permission of № 122/05/2 will be done by June 30, 2012.

3) Juankosken Biolämpö Oy Environmental Permission

Based is decision № 113/04/2
D№ ISY-2004-Y-113
Given 11.11.2004
Itä-Suomen ympäristövirasto

The permission specified above concerns 15 MW biofuel boiler and reserve 10 MW and 6 MW heavy fuel oil - fired reserve boilers. In 2005 built boiler plant supplies 100 GWh/a process steam for the adjacent cartonboard mill and 20 GWh/a district heat to the nearby City of Juankoski. There have been no claims regarding environmental emissions of the plant so far.
The application of the checking of the permission directives has to be done latest by September 30, 2015.

4) Stromsdal Oyj Green House Gases Emissions Permission

Based is decision D№ 10/311/2005
Given 21.1.2005

Energiamrkkinavirasto has given Stromsdal Oyj the permission to emit from the cartonboard mill green house gases. The permission concerns carbon dioxide (CO2).

The plant?s annual emission: < 50 000 t/a (real emission ~27 000 t/a).
The permission is in effect until-further-notice.

5) Juankosken Biolämpö Oy Green House Gases Emissions Permission

Based is decision D№ 1247/311/2005
Given 8.11.2005

Energiamrkkinavirasto has granted Juankosken Biolämpö Oy the permission to emit from biofuel and from oil ? fired reserve boilers green house gases. The permission concerns carbon dioxide (CO2). The permission is in effect until-further-notice.

Main Environmental Future Challenge

Based on the directives of the environmental permissions regarding both the Juankoski cartonboard mill and Koillis-Savon Ympäristöhuolto Oy it is evident that the mill has to be prepared to present a plan by December 31, 2012, how the mill?s high fresh water consumption and the related effluent emission to water can be reduced by at least 30%.

According to the present plans there are several ways to solve these problems with decent investment amount. The adding of new fresh water tank would be one possible solution and similarly there are possibilities for closing water circulation systems with modest investment.

Should wet barking create a major problem in the future, one is always able to eliminate barking related effluent loads by replacing own mechanical pulp production with purchased mechanical and chemical pulps, which of course would require additional pulper capacity to be installed at the mill."

On siten selvää, että Björkvits on tiennyt myrkkylastista, sillä h''''''''''''''''''än oli johtajana myös Strömssyssä. Myös kangasperkon on todettava ollleensa tietoinen myrkyistä. Kilpaileva yritys NS lähetti ylläolevat tiedot myös Juankosken kaupunginjohtajalle.

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